Drug Dealer Search

About the Photo Sequence
In the spring of 2009 I took my wife and dog to southeast Utah. We saw Marble Canyon Arizona, the Monument Valley, Natural Bridges NP, Arches NP, Canyonlands NP, Antelope Canyon Arizona, and went on a Jeep Safari out of Moab, Utah. This was one of the most beautiful vacations I've ever taken. But I couldn't leave it at that. I had to poke some fun at my friends at the airport, the local law enforcement crowd. I'm sure it doesn't really work the way I depicted it here. In fact, I see them help each other all the time. They work together even though their basic missions are different.

Photo Details
This cartoon sequence contains 11 frames. Each frame is a finite 910 pixels wide but height was left to its own. I based the picture size on an email program's display window asuming that the picture would not be automatically resized to fit. This technique kept the file size down below 235k each making it easy to send and receive in email.

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DrugDealerSearch.zip - 2106721 bytes.

Drug Dealer Search